Serving a cause
Why a website for a veterans’ association? The National Association of Pioneers and Voluntary Combatants of the Vercors maquis – families and friends – also known as the “Pioneers of the Vercors” – is certainly an association born after the Second World War to meet the needs for mutual aid of those who resisted the occupation. It is still that today, and much more. Its purpose is to transmit a history of which it is a part of the vitality of knowledge, and to make available to current generations the human and scientific data that our time is sorely in need of.
This is the meaning of the creation of this website. The members of the association wish to make its activity widely known and to give the public access to historical data whose possibilities today offered by digital technology allow the widest possible dissemination.
This is why the Internet user will find in these pages articles that report on the association’s news and its events, but also an agenda that will allow him to be informed of its initiatives. The Internet user, the researcher, the curious mind will also find here a media library. We have conceived it as a resource data bank where you will find most of the archives that the generations that preceded us have had the wise insight to preserve. This media library will be regularly enriched. It will also contain information on scientific work in progress, whether initiated under the aegis of the association or under the direction of university research departments, as well as testimonials from resistance fighters, such as the one written by the president of the association, Daniel Huillier, in 2001.
We want this tool to be as effective as possible. At the service of a cause, that of individual and collective liberties, that of democracy.